Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The itch to bling and accessorize hit me and the first items purchased were carbon fiber slip-on muffler which I later on decided to shorten. At the time I purchased the muffler the were not available as shortys but guess what a few weeks after i shortened it they popped up all over ebay.
Don't know if you can spot it in the photo below but i also purchased some bar ends and rear stand knob thingys.

 shorty pipe fitted

Tyga had a sale on some time during the year so I decided to buy a Tyga rear tail kit (think this was just after tax time). I had the box sitting in my room taking up space for a few months before I decided to fit it. Wasn't too hard to fit but if you prevail you shall succeed.

 painting tyga tail 

I also decided to paint the rear subframe black aswell to match the paintwork. Some left over caliper paint worked a treat.
 rear frame of for some black paint

 right side + shorty pipe 

Here is the bike with the Tyga tail fitted. I decided to keep the original front as it believe it suits the lines best and also the front was already sexy. The rear was too square and out of date for me and the Tyga tail compliments the rest of the bike.
 tyga tail fitted LHS

tyga tail fitted RHS

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