Monday, August 26, 2013


Update on the project so far.
Not going into too much detail but here we go, i have downloaded the blogger app onto my phone now (droid4lyf) so blogging can be done as soon as i take a snap. I have been in melboirne for work the past week so all progress has been on hold. Had some free time today so i thought id get some things done. I fitted the digital cluster and mounted it to the stock cluster mount. Wiring was easy as it used the same connector as oem bit a few pins had to be swapped around. I also purchased some pilot LED lamps as the cluster doesnt have lamps for oil and kick stand lights. Ive goto make a bracket to mount them sometime this week. Left hand side engine casing has been filled and sanded due to previous owner dropping the bike. Both cses will be painted black hopefully next weekend. I repained the chain and heel guards as i wasnt happy with the previous results, pics to come soon! All in all was a good day of prep. Tightened all handle bars fitted all controls and even fitted the new grips. Stay tunned for more to come!

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