Monday, August 12, 2013


Some more goodies arrived today, I got me some fairing bolts and spin dials from probolt aus, an adjustable LED relay and some LED indicators YIPPIEES


 Indicators, dont worry there are four of them teehee, relay and throttle cables i forgot to mention earlier but more about that later.

 Relay fitted, i only had un-shielded terminals available so i just taped the loom up to the relay with electrical tape to prevent any electrical dramas. All terminals crimped and soldered for security.

tried to get a front on shot with the relay but camera phone was being gay.

Thats all i have for now, i did fit the indicators to the front and rear of the bike and tested operation, the relay works a treat and also makes the clicking noise as i found some LED relays dont. Stay tuned as the bike is nearly complete for some good ol' riding!

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